Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Screenplay Structure

Continuing with another Quentin Tarantino production, I will be exploring how Deathproof follows the classic screenplay structure.

Act 1
Introduction of characters -- Three girls in their twenties - Arlene, Shanna, and Jungle Julie. Julie hosts a radio show and is famous town-wide. Shanna and Arlene are her friends.

Imbalance -- An unidentified character, later turning out to be "Stuntman Mike", mysteriously tailing the three girls.
All of these characters, plus a new character called Pam (Jungle Julia's childhood adversary), meet up at a bar. Everyone gets trashed. Stuntman Mike agrees to give Pam a lift home.

Imbalance tipping point -- Stuntman Mike kills Pam.

Plot point 1 -- Stuntman Mike rams his "deathproof" stunt car into a car carrying Arlene, Shanna, and Jungle Julie, killing all occupants. Only he survives.

Act 2
The new world/Introduction of characters -- Fourteen months later, in another town, we are introduced to four new girls - Lee, Abernathy, Kim, and Zoe. Lee and Abernathy are models, and Kim and Zoe are stunt women.
Again, Stuntman Mike is seen mysteriously watching the women.
Zoe wants to drive a 1970 Dodge Challenger, and knows of a man in this small town that is selling one. Arriving there, she convinces the man to let her take it for a test drive. Eventually her true motives are made clear -- she wishes to do an incredibly dangerous stunt involving her riding on its bonnet while it speeds around winding country roads!
Leaving Lee in the "care" of the perverted car seller, Zoe, Kim and Abernathy go for a cruise.

Failing tests/obstacles -- Stuntman Mike, coming out of nowhere, repeatedly bashes the car as Zoe is lashed to the bonnet. Eventually the car crashes.

Belly of the beast -- Kim shoots a gloating Stuntman Mike. Things are turned on their head as Mike becomes the hunted, and the girls the hunters. We are treated to fifteen minutes of crazy stunt driving as the girls chase and ram Stuntman Mike's "deathproof" car.

Passing tests/Plot point 2/Climax -- The girls kill Stuntman Mike.

Act 3

We dont really "see" this -- it is simply assumed that everything ends up A-OK.
Cut to credits.

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